Several comments from Angie Ramón 05/02/23 article. - translated
'The lives of former Jehovah's Witnesses marked by horror: "I have attempted suicide three times"
Four people who live in Mallorca narrate their experiences inside and outside the religious group'
'userJota | An hour ago
I applaud these brave reporters, in my opinion an association should be created to help get out of this sect, the fear of loneliness and isolation is what makes them shut up and accept the criteria of their controllers, there is no doubt that If there was some kind of group that would take them in once they left the sect, many would, believe me,
I'm saying this knowingly, my mother got it into her head that her children shouldn't study, that we couldn't celebrate Christmas, or the birthday, little by little they are isolating us from the rest of the people, that our mission was to preach etc etc, my mother was expelled 25 years ago, a pity that it was so late, I am currently a graduate in business and law and a blood donor, I do believe that donating blood saves lives. I want to tell many of them, when you decide to be happy I will be here to help you
userScammed | 8 hours ago
At the end of 1986 I was almost 14 years old when my mother let them into the house to teach me Bible and Christian morality (when my father was away working). Big mistake. They convinced me and I converted. The end of this world was near. It would happen while people from before 1914 were still alive. God would only save the Witnesses.
You had to preach to save more people and by the way you earned your salvation with that good work. At the age of 16 I repeated a BUP course for putting theocratic duties first (preaching, studying the Bible and its publications, preparing assignments in meetings...). At 17 I saw the suicide of a witness who was a friend of mine and I had an ethics and philosophy teacher at the institute (who was close to Opus) from whom I learned many things.
In the end, I stopped believing at the age of 18 and lost contact with more or less 500 friends and acquaintances. I remember that a committee of three elders met with me, they were respectful but they were quite imposing (3 adults against 1) and another day they brought me the circuit overseer, a Mexican man. They couldn't prove anything to me. I have to say that I did not see sexual abuse or lies, perhaps because I was a minor and was not aware, but everything they taught me was false and they taught few social skills.
userPat | 10 hours ago
Honestly, I think it's a wonderful report; sad, because it is very sad to see how people can be manipulated. Congratulations to the brave people who have managed to get out of the sect, this or any other. You are brave.
Lys RieraLys Riera | 11 hours ago
Magnificent report and very brave. I met a woman who told me many of the things in this article. She was terrified, she didn't know how to get out of it, all her family and her friends were in it. She had children, which she too. She and her husband were the children of witnesses.
I was struck by the control coincidences used by her leaders with another sect that I got to know closely through a group that came out of it. Fear of losing heaven, separation, isolation. They make me want to write a manual to detect when one is in a sect. Because as long as they think they're going to heaven, they can't see what's happening.
userNano | 11 hours ago
I have a relative who has been a Witness for 45 years, and I attest that he lives in terror, everything is Satan, he sees the end of the world in every news story and despite being a socially and economically successful man, he is unhappy. It is a sect of manual, they take advantage of people who are going through an emotional rut, they isolate them from
user Salam Alaikum | 11 hours ago
For reasons that are irrelevant, throughout my life I have lived with Jehovah's Witnesses.
Since I am a little believer, rather nothing, I have always had real rows with them.
The first thing that told them that they were not "witnesses" of anything, because like a server, they had not seen anything.
The little name already invites deception. And to convince them that they were making a monumental mistake, he invited them to read the life and "miracles" of its founder, one Charles Taze Russell.
I believe that the followers are people of good commandments, but quite short who allow themselves to be convinced by the first "elder" they meet on the road.
If you talk to one of them, they have the same arguments as the other. And that the one beyond. They are fully programmed not to go off script. Curiously, those of the Catholic Church also sin in the same way.
It's a multinational with millions of little books, I think it's called Hallelujah, which cost a lot of money and, particularly, I've never known where they came from.
You give an American a Bible and he invents a "religion."
By the way: I have seen some of them who, despite his fanaticism, take those of Villadiego.
Religious fanaticism is one of the worst that a person can fall into.
We must make it very clear that evil in its different facets is not exclusively in the house of "witnesses". What is told in the report may be very specific cases but by no means the entirety.'